Thursday 15 August 2024

A Comment on My Article "Bhagavad Gita - The Celestial Book"

I published a summary of the Bhagavad Gita highlighting the main points from each one of the 18 Chapters on the website HubPages.Com  some months back.

One of my American friends, Brenda Arledge, appreciated my work and provided this detailed feedback on the article, in the comments thread. I was touched by her interest in the post, and taking so much time to provide such a detailed discussion over the topic.

I am sharing this discussion with you all so that you can appreciate their interest in our Hindu scriptures.

The entire feedback from Brenda Arledge is provided below: 


Your article,
"Bhagavad Gita - The Celestial Book" is something I've never heard about before, but it seems to be a story about God and how to attain our place beside him.

I find it interesting that this was originally a discussion that took place on a battlefield.

At least Prince Arjuna had compassion & didn't want friends and family fighting one another.
He asked & received guidance from Krishna. (an incarnation of the divine).

This book consists of 18 chapters which deal with both ethical and moral standards.  It gives others the guidance they need during their journey through life.

The entire composition is in the form of dialogue between Arjuna & Krishna.

This book explains that the battle is not against people but between good and bad and we should fight for righteousness.

I must say, I commend your efforts to explain the chapters included in this book which represents the divine.

I didn't realize that Yoga was so spiritual.  I simply thought it was a form of exercise.

There are so many different things in this piece of work.  Meditation is something I am trying to learn, but according to this book, it is one thing we should all do.

It seems like there are answers to help us be one with the divine and enter his kingdom when our soul departs.

This is explained as the body passes through different stages ~ childhood, youth, old age, and death.

I'm not sure how you could improve on this one article, but my suggestion is to break down this book into sections.

For instance, one complete article that only covers one chapter at a time, or maybe a couple at a time.

After telling the story of that chapter...then break it down with easy-to-understand words.  Show us exactly what the chapter means in our everyday life today.

You could even make this a series. 
Posting a chapter each week.

Then perhaps, you could let people ask questions & answer them in your next post.

But for now, I've already posted a link in the word prompt article.

Great job. It seems like this is another great book, like the Bible.

P.S.If you are interested, you can view the article and the comments from readers at this link:

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