Saturday, 14 December 2024

O Laugh, Laughers

I was reading an article on Medium that discussed how to digest Modern Literary Works and grasp their context and theme.

While reading that article, I came across this strange, humorous poem by a Russian Poet, Velimir Khlebnikov, which kept me laughing at each line. 

"Incantation By Laughter" _

O, laugh, laughers!
O, laugh out, laughers!
You who laugh with laughs, you who laugh it up laughishly
O, laugh out laugheringly
O, belaughable laughterhood — the laughter of laughering laughers!
O, unlaugh it outlaughingly, belaughering laughists!
Laughily, laughily,
Uplaugh, enlaugh, laughlings, laughlings
Laughlets, laughlets.
O, laugh, laughers!
O, laugh out, laughers!

If you are interested in the above-mentioned Medium article, here is the link to it.
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