Friday, 7 February 2025

Christ Hymn Philippians 2

Hi, friends! I was reading an article on the Medium website. While doing so, I came across a Christian hymn: Philippians 2.


I wanted to learn more about this hymn, so I browsed on Google and found an interesting revelation in the top search result. It was clearly an AI-generated response that appealed to my senses. I appreciated the informative reply provided by AI and wanted to share it with all of you.

"The Christ Hymn is a hymn in the New Testament that appears in Philippians 2:5–11. It is one of the most important depictions of Christ in the New Testament.

What the hymn says
The hymn describes how Christ was in the form of God, but did not consider equality with God to be something to exploit.

It describes how Christ emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, and being born in human form.

It describes how Christ humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

It describes how God exalted Christ and gave him the name that is above every name.

It describes how every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

What the hymn means
The hymn encourages people to adopt the mindset of Christ, which is to count others as more significant than oneself.

The hymn rejects celebrations of power, and instead celebrates Jesus Christ as one who is equal to God."

- Generative AI is experimental.

My Thoughts on Reading It

When I read the above explanation, I immediately thought of Sri Rama's character.

Jesus's character resembles that of Sri Rama. Rama was an incarnation of God and possessed all those superior powers and virtues of the Almighty. But instead of using those powers, he chose to be humble and humane, weak and feeble.

He endured all sufferings, went to the forest, lived the life of a hermit, lost his wife, sought the help of vanaras to find Sita's whereabouts and to cross the ocean. He could have killed all the demons right then and there, but pretended to be helpless and feeble.

Just like Jesus, Sri Rama also wanted to establish a code of conduct and a path of humility and dedication so that people could learn to navigate the difficult times in life while maintaining morality, compassion, and universal brotherhood.  

Friday, 17 January 2025

Bollywood Actor Saif Ali Khan Attacked by Burglars

In a shocking incident, some burglar entered Saif Ali Khan's residence in Mumbai and stabbed him with a knife several times in the early hours of Thursday, January 16, 2025, during the burglary attempt.

Saif Ali was admitted to the Lilavati hospital and is reported to be out of danger at present after undergoing an operation to remove the knife from his back at a spot close to his spine.

It is unclear how the burglar reached the 12th floor of the apartment without being noticed by the security guards. Police are in search of the man who fled immediately after the attack.

Here is a link to the full details of the attack.

Indian Women Cricket Team Scripted History at Rajkot on Mattu Pongal Day 2025

Hats off to Smriti Mandhana and Pratika Rawal !!! 

Our Women's Cricket Team has made our country proud by scripting a new world record of the highest score in ODI Cricket history surpassing their own records and that of the Men's Cricket Team records.

It was the third ODI match against Ireland at Rajkot on 15th January 2025, a festive season. Our team set a record score of 435 for 5 wickets against Ireland's score of 131 all out. Thus, our team clinched the series by 3-0 wins.

A quick century by Smriti Mandhana scoring 135 in 80 balls and another century by Pratika Rawal (154 in 129 balls) contributed to this huge score of 435/5, drawing applause from all sides.  

Here is a list of our Indian teams (both men and women) surpassing 400 runs in previous ODIs:

Indian Women 435/5 vs Ireland on 15th January 2025 at Rajkot

Indian Men 418/5 vs West Indies on 8th Dec. 2011 at Indore (Virendra Sehwag 219 runs)

Indian Men 414/7 vs Srilanka on 15th Dec. 2009 at Rajkot

Indian Men 413/5 vs Bermuda on 19th March 2007 at Port of Spain

India Men 410/4 vs Netherlands on 12 November 2023 at Bengaluru

For details, here is a link.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Barack Obama With Trump at Jimmy Carter's Funeral

During former President Jimmy Carter's funeral ceremony in Washington on Thursday, 09/01/2025, ex-President Barack Obama was spotted sitting with President-elect Donald Trump. This incident became sensational news and created suspicions among their fans.

Obama was seen laughing heartily at something uttered by Trump. Some lip-readers tried to decipher the conversation between them. I read that article, and it was amusing to go through those revelations shared by the lip reader. However, I may not agree with those points.

I see it only as decent conduct maintained while attending funeral ceremonies. At those places, there is no friend or foe. Each guest is simply a human being shedding all their egos.

I am sharing that news with you so that you may like to read what the lip readers predicted.

Here is the link to that article.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Hara Hachi Bu - A Japanese Phrase for Mindful Eating

 While reading some articles online, I came across this wonderful Japanese Phrase "Hara Hachi Bu".

This phrase translates to "Belly 80% Full" - a practice of consuming food until your stomach is 80% full. It is a technique that promotes mindful eating. Here are significant tips for consciously enjoying your meals.

  • Eat slowly so that your brain can receive signals from your stomach as to the fullness of your belly.
  • Eat smaller portions or morsels of food for a better chewing experience.
  • Recognize the flavors and tastes while eating.
  • Try to estimate the quantum and levels of your hunger.
  • Refrain from distractions while eating. Do not watch TV or use phones.
  • Stop eating as soon as you feel enough or satisfied.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

O Laugh, Laughers

I was reading an article on Medium that discussed how to digest Modern Literary Works and grasp their context and theme.

While reading that article, I came across this strange, humorous poem by a Russian Poet, Velimir Khlebnikov, which kept me laughing at each line. 

"Incantation By Laughter" _

O, laugh, laughers!
O, laugh out, laughers!
You who laugh with laughs, you who laugh it up laughishly
O, laugh out laugheringly
O, belaughable laughterhood — the laughter of laughering laughers!
O, unlaugh it outlaughingly, belaughering laughists!
Laughily, laughily,
Uplaugh, enlaugh, laughlings, laughlings
Laughlets, laughlets.
O, laugh, laughers!
O, laugh out, laughers!

If you are interested in the above-mentioned Medium article, here is the link to it.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

A Song on Spotify - "Danger Zone"

I was reading a post by a Spotify listener who listened to the song "Danger Zone" some 17,000 times during the year 2024 and shared his Spotify Wrapup for the year.

I wanted to know what was the speciality about this song as I haven't listened to it till today. So, I browsed online and found this post which provided the lyrics of it. 

The song is about the process of piloting an aircraft into the skies, as high as possible. I loved the message that it provides. "Until you do not put your best efforts into something, you can't achieve your progress. Unless you try, you will remain grounded."

For all music lovers, here is a link to the verses of the song.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

When Art Becomes A Victim, Rotten Banana Becomes Viral

This is a shocking reality. What?

A decomposing Banana sold for 6.2 million Dollars in the name of Art!

You hear it right. It happened in Italy recently. The Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan taped a banana to a wall and sold it as a masterpiece of Art in an auction at Sotheby's, New York on 20/11/2024. And, it was bought by the Crypto Currency founder Justin Sun who later ate it during a press conference in Hong Kong on 29/11/2024.

What could be more disgraceful than this? A real artist spends his whole life drawing and painting artistry and could hardly earn some thousand dollars during his lifespan. Is this not a blow on their backs?

I am very sorry.

Here is the link to the article that reveals this shocking news. (It was a shocking news for me, a true son of an artist. May be not for others.)

Do Not Ignore Mother Tongues

I was reading an article today on HubPages that enumerated Hindi Names for 20 professional occupations. He provided the English Names with their corresponding Hindi Names. I was amusing myself while going through it. He had some more articles that dealt with Flower Names, Fruits, Metals, etc.

Do you know that a postman is called "daakiya" in Hindi. I think that most people might have forgot their touch with mother tongues. It is the same case with Telugu and other languages also. Indians are turning western as more and more people put their children in English medium schools that do not teach Indian languages.

Here is the link to the above-mentioned article.

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Indian Constitution Day

Hi, Friends. It is Constitution Day today. 

The Constitution of India is a fundamental law that was adopted by the constituent assembly on 26 November 1949. It came into effect on 26 January 1950 when India became a Republic.

This Constitution establishes the fundamental rights and responsibilities of the citizens and is the basic foundation on which all other laws of government are based. It defines the powers, duties, and structure of the government.

B.R. Ambedkar was "The Father of the Constitution" of India.

The constitution was drafted by 389 members of the Constituent Assembly (partly elected and partly nominated by erstwhile princely states) who worked for 141 days to bring out the draft report.

So, let us value our Constitution and celebrate this occasion with pride.

For a piece of comprehensive information, you may like to read this article on Wikipedia at this link


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